Thyristor Power Controllers
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Thyristor Power Controllers


Service over 25 years

Silver Jubliee

Thyristor Power pack
Model: HI 8003-TP-C1


Thyristor Power Controllers

Salient Features:

›  Rating: 25 to 50 Amps
›  Supply:

230 V AC Single Phase

›  Control Input : 4 - 20mA / 0-10V DC
›  Output Voltage: 0-100% variable depending upon load
›  Control Accuracy: ± 0.1°C to 1°C
›  Load: Single Phase
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Thyristor Power pack
Model: HI 8003-TP-C2
Thyristor Power Controllers

Salient Features:

›  Rating: 25 to 200 Amps
›  Supply: 415V AC 2 Phase
›  Control Input: 4 - 20mA / 0 - 10V DC
›  Output Voltage: 0 - 100% variable depending upon load
›  Control Accuracy: 0.1°C to 1°C
›  Load: 2 Phase


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