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Timers & Counters


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Silver Jubliee

Din Rail Mountable
Electronic Timer
Model: HI - 8040

This is a non-indicating analog circuit provided with NO and NC contact. Time setting can be varied through a potentiometer. Suitable for all industrial applications. Std. Range: 0-3 Sec., 0-30Sec., 0-3 Min. and 0-30 Min.

Digital Temperature Indicator

Salient Features:

›  Power Supply : 230 V AC, 50 Hz
›  Output:

5Amps Relay

›  No. of change over: 2 NO & 2 NC or 1 NO & 1 NC
›  Mode of operation : Cyclic / ON delay
›  Accuracy: ± 1%
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Digital Timer
Model: HI - 9000 Series
HI 9004
HI 9007
HI 9008

Salient Features:

›  System Programmable
›  Setting: Feather touch keys
›  Mode of Operation : ON Delay / OFF Delay
›  Relay: 1 NO & 1 NC (2 NO & 2 NC also available)
›  Power Supply: 230V AC 50Hz
(90 to 250 V AC/DC)
›  Standard Range: 0-9 secs. 0-9.99 secs
0-30 sees, 0-60 sees, Minutes
0-99 sees, 24 Hrs & 7 Days
›  Panel cut out : 90 × 90 mm (HI-9004)
72 × 72 mm (HI 9009)
45 × 45 mm (HI 9010)
48 × 96 mm (HI-9008)
96 × 48 mm (HI-9007)


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Digital Counter
Model: HI - 9021
This instrument is designed to be used in large and fast production houses
Digital Counter

Salient Features:

›  Range: 999,9999 or 99999 counter
›  Input Sensor: Proximity Switch or Micro SwitchOr Optical Sensor
›  Display: 7 Segment LED
›  Power Supply: 230V AC, 50 Hz
›  Relay: 1 N0 1 NC
›  Panel Cutout: 90 × 90 mm or 90 × 180 mm or 48 × 96 mm
›  Big display: Optional


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