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Service over 25 years

Silver Jubliee

Cr/Al, Pt/Pt/Rh (10% or 13%), Fe/const Cr/Const and Cu/Const.

¤ Straight type

¤ Angle type

¤ Stud type

¤ Surface type

¤ Strip type

¤ Spike type

¤ Pin type

¤ Flexible type

¤ Exhaust temperature Thermocouple with pyrometer kit

¤ Mineral Insulated in S.S. & Inconel sheathings

¤ Thermocouples of any type as per customer's requirements with special type of sheathings such as SS 304, SS 310 Inconnel 600 or 800 High Alumina - recrystallised Tubes etc.,

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